As you know, there is a loyalty program “I am a streamer” on our server
Now the top 3 streamers of the month have the right to choose a unique nickname color for their game character and wear it during the next month.
- To get a special nickname color, please write to Discord @Zonner, @SFC or @Cheers or make a request in the support by specifying the nickname of your character and the color you like.
- You can change the color within 1-2 days after receiving it if you don't like the color.
- At the end of the month nickname colors will be returned to their original appearance (recommendations are not reset)
Now the top 3 streamers of the month have the right to choose a unique nickname color for their game character and wear it during the next month.
- You can change the color within 1-2 days after receiving it if you don't like the color.
- At the end of the month nickname colors will be returned to their original appearance (recommendations are not reset)
Keep an eye on the streamer rankings! Fight! Be unique!
Как вы знаете, на нашем сервере действует программа лояльности "Я стример"
Теперь топ 3 стримера месяца имеют право выбрать уникальный цвет никнейма своего игрового персонажа и носить его в течении следующего месяца
- Вы можете поменять цвет в течении 1-2 дней после получения, если цвет вам не понравился.
- В конце месяца цвета никнеймов будут возвращены в первоначальный вид (рекомендации не сбрасываются)
Следите за рейтингом стримеров! Боритесь! Будьте уникальны!