Loyalty program "I'm a Streamer!"


Raid Fox

The loyalty program "I'm a Streamer" is a reward system for content makers who stream the Keltir.com server on YouTube, Twitch and Trovo. Depending on the number of viewers and the duration of the broadcast, the program participant receives rewards to the account balance, which can cash out or transfer into game in Keltir Coins.

The "I'm a Streamer" loyalty program provides opportunities for development, growth and competition for the title of best streamer of the project! Start 25th May!

Attention: From 01.11.2024 financial payments are temporarily stopped. Keltir Coin accrual remains unchanged

UPDATE: The program is relevant only for KELTIR x1 server, adding the program for GOLEM x3 server will happen soon


Последнее редактирование модератором:

We are pleased to welcome you to the Streamer Loyalty Program. First of all you need to apply for the program.

To do this:
1. Go to My Streams in your personal cabinet (authorization required). Go to My Streams.
2. Fill out the form, in the Comment field write where we can read your work and other useful information.
3. Click Submit and wait for the application to be reviewed.
4. If approved, you will be given access to the channel control panel.

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Adding channels

After the application is approved, the channel control panel will become available.

To add your channels:
1. Enter the names of your channels in the fields corresponding to the names of the sites. You do not need to fill in the Streaming Time field.

2. Click the Save button, the data will be sent for moderation.

3. After confirmation in the Streaming time field the total time of the stream on the site will be displayed.

Congratulations, you have successfully completed the registration stage as a streamer for the Keltir project.

Important information!
1. Now after the start of the stream, the link to it will appear on the main page of keltir.com.
2. To successfully collect statistics, broadcasts must contain the word KELTIR in the title (case of letters is not important).

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Broadcast Requirements

To participate in the "I'm a Streamer" program, your broadcast must meet the minimum requirements. Compliance with the requirements ensures the correct operation of the statistics system, calculation of ratings and calculation of rewards.

Requirements for the broadcast:
1. In the name of the broadcast must be the word Keltir (case is not important), otherwise statistics will not be taken into account.
2. Mandatory use of the server logo.
3. Minimum duration - 1 hour.
4. Minimum number of viewers - 5 people.

If all conditions are met, after 24 hours on your account will be credited reward earned over the past 24 hours.

Important information!
1. Maximum number of simultaneous broadcasts - 3 (on YouTube, Twitch and Trovo).
2. Statistics from all sites are summarized.
3. There is a daily limit of remuneration accrual.

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Последнее редактирование:

Members of the "I'm a Streamer" program receive rewards to their personal account balance if they comply with broadcasting requirements. Rewards can be transferred to Keltir Coins to a character in the game or you can request to withdraw your earnings to a bank card or USDT wallet.

Streamers who are in the Top-3 at the end of the month get the opportunity to choose a colored nickname for the month. Read more about it in the Additional rewards and ratings section.

To transfer Keltir Coins into the game:
1. Go to the main page of your personal cabinet.
2. In the Balance block click Transfer to game.

3. In the window that opens, select a character, enter the amount to be transferred and click Transfer.

4. Transferring Keltir Coins to a character is instantaneous.

To receive a payout you need to:
1. Click the button Request for payout in the Streams Control Panel.

2. Fill in the required fields and click Submit Request.

3. Transfer of funds to the wallets is carried out on the 1-3rd day of the month following the month in which the withdrawal request was formed and confirmed.

Important information!
1. You can withdraw Keltir Coins received only for participation in the loyalty program. Withdrawal of KCs received in any other way is not possible.

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Последнее редактирование:
Additional rewards and rankings

Streamers who are in the top three of the month can paint their nickname in a unique color and wear it during the next month. To paint a nickname, you need to write a request to tech support through your personal cabinet.

1. Top-5 streamers are displayed on the main page of the site in the Statistics section.

2. Top-15 rating is available in my personal cabinet.

Custom nickname colors:

- To get a special nickname color, you need to write to Discord @Zonner, @SFC or @Cheers or make a request in the support specifying the nickname of your character and the color you like.
- Within 1-2 days after receipt, you can replace the color if you don't like it.
- At the end of the month, nickname colors are returned to their original appearance (recommendations are not reset).

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Последнее редактирование:

1. It is forbidden to carry out anti-advertising actions in relation to the Keltir project.
2. It is forbidden to advertise third-party projects.
3. It is forbidden to place third-party channels, passing off other people's channels as your own or other manipulations with channels in the "My Streams" section of your personal cabinet.
4. Any manipulations with the viewers of the broadcast are forbidden: scrolling, using bots and other similar actions.
5. Statistics is collected only for streams whose duration is more than 1 hour and the number of viewers more than 5.
6. The name of the broadcast must contain the word KELTIR (case is not important) to collect statistics.
7. The absence of any signs of activity of the streamer and streamer's game characters is allowed for no more than 5 minutes during 1 hour of the broadcast. Allowed break time may accumulate with the stream, but may not exceed 15 minutes.
In case of violations, the administration reserves the right to partially or completely refuse to pay the reward.

  • Stream duration is 1 hour. Possible break - 5 minutes.
  • Duration of the stream is 3 hours. Possible break - 15 minutes on the 3rd hour of the stream or 5 minutes every hour.
  • Duration of the stream 6 hours. Possible break - 15 minutes on the 3rd hour and 15 minutes on the 6th hour or 10 minutes every 2nd hour or 5 minutes every hour.
If there are unforeseen circumstances and you can not continue the stream or you need to urgently leave for a longer period of time - stop the stream.
8. Minimum payout amount - 50 $.
9. Prohibited any manipulation in an attempt to circumvent the above rules.

Sanctions: Violation of one or more points of the rules may result in expulsion of the streamer from the "I am Streamer" program without payment.

Note: The "I am a Streamer" program is in test mode. Rating formula, payouts, rewards and rules are subject to change.

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